Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Golden moments

On the weekend I went to a local market and picked up 30 Little Golden Books for just $6! Only 20 cents each! I used to love Little Golden Books when I was small, and although some of the language and design is dated, they are great representations of the time in which they were published - especially ones from the 1970s about cars! Some of the books, such as Raggedy Ann and Andy, have cool vintage design that I'll use to decorate my daughter's room. It's great to re-use and recycle kids' books (although personally I still have all the books from when I was little and I plan to pass them on to my daughter!).


  1. I had LOADS of Golden Books. They were indeed Golden! I loved them as a kid when I began to read. The illustrations were always so cool. Great find for that tiny pricetag!

  2. You'd still think some of the artwork is cool. Very retro! Richard Scarry is still my favourite artist of children's books.
